Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4638

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4638. CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT. It may be manifest to every one, that all holiness is from the Lord, and that the very holiness of the Holy Spirit belongs to the Lord, because it proceeds from the Lord. Whatever in the Holy Spirit [is imagined] not to proceed from the Lord, cannot be holy. The Holy Spirit itself cannot proceed from the Lord, but its likeness.* * It is desirable to mention that by the Holy Spirit Itself, is meant Divine Truth Itself, as it is in the Lord [AC 6993]; and this, being intrinsically Infinite, cannot be communicated to man so as to be received by him, as it is in itself, because he is radically finite. Man can only receive it in a Divinely accommodated and finited form, which is what is here meant by "its likeness. " On this matter, the reader may advantageously consult AC 6982, 6996, 8760.

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