Spiritual Experiences Minor (Buss) n. 4643

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4643. They who have not been in conjugial love, or, if unmarried, in the marriage of good and truth, or the Divine marriage, but in its opposites, as in adulteries, cannot be in heaven. For, when angels think and speak of the kingdom of the Lord as a marriage, and of the Church as a Virgin, immediately marriage and a virgin are merely named there come up, with those who are in adulteries, filthy ideas, and so filthy that they cannot be made known-about the womb, about the privy parts, and about such things as they filled their thoughts with, in the world. It is evident that these things are utterly abominable and profane, [especially] when the heavenly marriage, wherein is nothing but holiness and chastity, is thought about; and that they are directly contrary to angelic thoughts.))

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