28. [Letter to Beyer, April 30, 1771]
Most Rev. Herr Doctor:
Yesterday I received the Herr Doctor's letter, together with Dr. Rosen's, and previously I had a letter from Assessor Queckfeldt, wherein the thought is advanced that the case would take another turn if I presented myself to the Royal Senate as a tertius intervenens; but nothing whatever would be gained thereby, especially since, shortly before my departure I did that very thing, and, with weighty reasons defended both the cause itself and you two. I am astonished that they are still going on with the matter in Gothenburg-of which I am going to complain at the next Diet when I will send over Universa Theologia Novi Coeli et Novae Ecclesiae which will at last leave the press in June. Of this work, I will send two copies to each Estate with the request that a Deputation of all the Estates be set over it and so bring the matter to an end. I am sure that when this book has come out, the Lord our Savior will so operate, both directly and indirectly, that a New Church founded on this Theology will be established in the whole of Christendom. The new heaven from which the New Jerusalem will descend, is now almost completed, Apoc. 21: 1, 2, 3. The antagonists, when they come into the other life, will then get their places. I pity them.
With kind greeting to Dr. Rosen, I remain with affection,
The most reverend Herr Doctor's most obedient servant and friend, Emanuel Swedenborg*
Amsterdam April 30, 1771 * The letter is marked-presumably by Dr. Beyer-"Arrived, May 13, at 10.30 a.m."