De Verbo (Rogers) n. 21

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21. With respect to the spiritual sense of the Word, no one can see the spiritual meaning except in the light of a doctrine of genuine truth. From this one can see the spiritual meaning, when one has some knowledge of correspondences. But no one caught up in false doctrine can see anything of the spiritual meaning. Such a one takes any correspondences he may know and turns them to support the falsities of his doctrine, so that he is able to falsify the Word still more. Therefore the true spiritual meaning of the Word comes from the Lord alone. This is the reason that no one In either the natural world or the spiritual world is permitted to search out the spiritual meaning of the Word from its literal meaning unless he is guided entirely by a doctrine of genuine truth and is enlightened by the Lord. Consequently, the spiritual meaning can be seen in the light of a doctrine of Divine truth verified from the Word's literal meaning; but the doctrine can never be seen first from the spiritual meaning. He thinks falsely who says to himself, "I know many correspondences. Now I can know the doctrine of Divine truth. The spiritual sense will teach it to me." This cannot happen. Rather let him say to himself, as we indicated above, "I know the doctrine of Divine truth. Now I can see the spiritual meaning, provided I know correspondences." But even so, he must still be enlightened by the Lord, because the spiritual meaning is Divine truth itself appearing in its own light-the spiritual meaning being meant by glory in the Word, and the literal meaning by cloud, in those places in the Word where glory and cloud are spoken of.*

[2] (Support the existence of a spiritual meaning in the Word with ten passages from the prophetic Word, as well as from the Gospels, and also from the book of Revelation. Cite these passages and show that they would be meaningless without a spiritual sense.) * As in Matthew 24:30, Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27.

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