De Verbo (Chadwick) n. 11

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11. XI

The wisdom of the angels of the three heavens comes from the Lord by means of the Word; its literal sense serves as its fulcrum and foundation.

I have been told from heaven that the most ancient people on this earth had direct revelation, and therefore they did not have a written Word. But after their time, when direct revelation could not exist without risk to souls and so could not be accepted, to prevent people's communication and linking with the heavens being cut off and destroyed, the Lord was pleased to reveal Divine Truth by means of the Word, which is written entirely by means of correspondences. As a result it is so constructed in its ultimate sense that it holds within it the wisdom of the angels of the three heavens. This wisdom is not visible in our Word, yet it is contained in it, and I must briefly describe how this is done. There are three heavens, one below the other, and beneath them the world. In the highest heaven the wisdom of the angels reaches the highest degree; this is called celestial wisdom. In the middle heaven the wisdom of the angels reaches the middle degree; this is called spiritual wisdom. In the lower heaven the wisdom of the angels reaches the ultimate degree; this is called spiritual- and celestial-natural wisdom. In the world, which is below those heavens, wisdom is at its lowest degree; this is called natural wisdom. All these degrees of wisdom are present in the Word we possess in the world, but in a simultaneous arrangement. For a successive arrangement becomes simultaneous as it comes down; so that the simultaneous becomes a complex of all the successive stages. The highest in a successive arrangement becomes the inmost in a simultaneous arrangement, the middle becomes its middle, and the ultimate becomes its ultimate. The Word as it exists in the world has a simultaneous arrangement of this sort; in its inmost is the Lord, like a sun, the source of Divine Truth and Divine Good, light and flame radiating and spreading through the middle stages to the ultimate. In this simultaneous arrangement the Celestial Divine is nearest, as it is in the highest or third heaven, the source of the wisdom of the angels there. Then follows the Spiritual Divine, as it is in the middle or second heaven, the source of the wisdom of the angels there. After this comes the Spiritual-Natural Divine and the Celestial-Natural Divine, as it is in the ultimate or first heaven, the source of the wisdom of the angels there. The ultimate ring of this simultaneous arrangement is made up of the Natural Divine, as it is in the world, the source of the wisdom of people on earth. This outermost ring surrounds, binds and holds together the inner rings, to prevent them falling apart and to act as a fulcrum for them. The literal sense of the Word is like this in general and in every part. So when it is read piously by a person, then its inner rings are untied and uncovered, and each heaven draws from it what is its own, the spiritual angels their Spiritual Divine, the celestial angels their Celestial Divine, the source of their wisdom. It was not only told and heard from heaven that our Word is like this, but it was demonstrated and proved by many experiences. When the Divine was sent down by the Lord into the world, it must have passed through the heavens one after the other, and come into existence in the world in such a form as to return in the same order through the heavens to its source, the Lord.

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