White Horse (Willmott) n. 15

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15. CONCERNING THOSE WHO ARE OPPOSED TO THE WORD. Concerning those who ridicule, blaspheme and profane the Word, (n. 1878) their quality in the other life, (n. 1761, 9222). They relate to the viscous things of the blood, (n. 5719). How very dangerous it is to profane the Word, (n. 571-582). How harmful it is, if principles of falsity, especially those which are favourable to the love of self and the world, are confirmed by means of the Word, (n. 589). They who have no affection for truth for the sake of truth are utterly disdainful of those things Which belong to the internal sense of the Word, and are nauseated by them. (Shown from experience of such persons in the spiritual world, n. 5702.) Certain persons in the other life, who made an attempt to spurn utterly the interiors of the Word, were deprived of rationality, (n. 1879).

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