Conjugial Love (Rogers) n. 106

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106. Next, drawing for the third time a piece of paper from the urn, the angel read from it the following opinion:

"We fellow countrymen in our cubicle discussed causes of the origin of conjugial love, and we saw the leading one of these to be the same as the original cause for marriage, since before marriage conjugial love did not exist. It came about, then, because when anyone is dying for or desperately loves a young woman, he tries with his heart and soul to possess her as his most prized possession. And as soon as she pledges herself to him, he regards her as an owner regards his property. That this is the origin of conjugial love is plainly evident from everyone's fury at rivals and jealousness against intruders. "We considered afterwards the origin of the vigor or potency of that love, and the prevailing opinion of three against two was that vigor or potency with one's partner comes from having some license in matters of sex. They said that they know from experience that the potency of promiscuous love is greater than the potency of conjugial love." This statement was signed below with the letter I. When the others heard this, they cried from the tables, "Put that paper away and take another from the urn."

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