437. (12) Between these two atmospheres there is an equilibrium, and mankind lives in it. The equilibrium between them is a spiritual equilibrium, because it exists between good and evil. Because of this equilibrium a person has free will. In it and through it a person thinks and wills and so speaks and acts as though of himself. His rationality has the option and choice as to whether it wishes to receive good or whether it wishes to receive evil; accordingly, whether it wishes, rationally and in freedom, to dispose itself for conjugial love, or whether it wishes, rationally and in freedom, to dispose itself for licentious love. If a person chooses licentious love, he turns the back of his head and body to the Lord; if he chooses conjugial love, he turns his forehead and breast to the Lord. If he turns himself to the Lord, his rationality and freedom are led by the Lord; but if he turns away from the Lord, his rationality and freedom are led by hell.