450. (5) In some men a love for the opposite sex cannot, without harmful effects, be totally restrained from going out into fornication. There is no point recounting the harmful effects which an excessive restraint of love for the opposite sex can cause and inflict in men who struggle with sexual heat owing to an inordinate sexual abundance. In their case it gives rise to the origins of certain physical maladies and mental illnesses, not to mention little-known evils which are too unspeakable to be named. It is different with those whose love for the opposite sex is moderate enough that they can resist the urges of its lust; likewise with those who at a youthful age, without any loss of worldly fortunes, thus at the first opportunity, have the freedom to introduce themselves into a legitimate companionship of the bed. Since the latter is what happens with little children in heaven when they grow up to a marriageable age, therefore they do not know there what fornication is. However, the situation is not the same on earth, where marriages cannot be contracted until past early manhood - as is the case for many in government service, where positions must be earned over a period of time and the means acquired for supporting a home and family before they can for the first time seek a suitable wife.