370. I have been told by angels that so far as a married pair are so conjoined they are in conjugial love, and also to the same extent in intelligence, wisdom and happiness, because Divine Truth and Divine Good, which are the source of all intelligence, wisdom, and happiness, flow chiefly into conjugial love; consequently conjugial love, since there is at the same time a marriage of good and truth, is the very plane of Divine influx. For that love, as it is a conjunction of the understanding and will, is also a conjunction of truth and good, since the understanding receives Divine Truth and is formed out of truths, and the will receives Divine Good and is formed out of goods. For what a man wills is to him good, and what he understands is to him truth; therefore it is the same whether you say conjunction of understanding and will or conjunction of truth and good. Conjunction of truth and good is what makes an angel; it also makes his intelligence, wisdom, and happiness; for an angel is an angel accordingly as good in him is conjoined with truth and truth with good; or what is the same, accordingly as the love pertaining to him is conjoined with faith and faith with love.