374. I heard an angel describing truly conjugial love and its heavenly delights in this manner: That it is the Lord's Divine in the heavens, which is Divine Good and Divine Truth so united in two persons, that they are not as two but as one. He said that in heaven the two consorts are that love, since everyone is his own good and his own truth both as to mind and body, the body being an image of the mind because it is formed after its likeness. From this he drew the conclusion that the Divine is imaged in a pair who are in truly conjugial love; and as the Divine is so imaged, so is heaven, because the entire heaven is Divine Good and Divine Truth going forth from the Lord; and this is why all things of heaven are inscribed on that love with blessings and delights beyond number. He expressed the number by a term that involved myriads of myriads. He wondered that the man of the Church knows nothing about this, seeing that the Church is the Lord's heaven on the earth, and heaven is a marriage of good and truth. He said he was astounded to think that within the Church, even more than outside it, adulteries are committed and even justified; the delight of which in itself is nothing else in a spiritual sense, and consequently in the spiritual world, than the delight of the love of falsity conjoined to evil, which delight is infernal delight, because it is the direct opposite of the delight of heaven, which is the delight of the love of truth conjoined with good.