Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 10093

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10093. Which is waved, and which is uplifted. That this signifies which is acknowledged and perceived, is evident from the signification of being "waved," when said of the breast, as being that which is vivified by acknowledgment (see above, n. 10091); and from the signification of "uplifted," as being the Divine celestial, which is of the Lord alone, perceived in heaven and in the church (of which below). How the case herein is shall be briefly told. There are two kingdoms from which are the heavens, the celestial and the spiritual. Divine truth in the spiritual kingdom is acknowledged, but in the celestial kingdom it is perceived. The reason of this is that Divine truth in the spiritual kingdom is received in the intellectual part, but in the celestial kingdom in the will part. That which is received in the intellectual part is said to be acknowledged, but that which is received in the will part is said to be perceived. (That the former have only an acknowledgment of Divine truth, but the latter a perception of it, see what has been abundantly shown above concerning these two kingdoms in the places cited in n. 9277, 9596, 9684.) [2] As regards uplifting, that is called an "uplifting"* which was Jehovah's or the Lord's, and it was given to Aaron for the sake of the representation; and as Aaron represented the Lord as to Divine good (n. 9806), therefore that which was uplifted from the sacrifices and given to Aaron represented the Divine of the Lord, and is also called "the anointing" in Moses. The breast of the waving and the hind quarter of the uplifting have I taken from among the sons of Israel of the sacrifices of the eucharistic things, and I have given them to Aaron the priest and to his sons for a statute of eternity from among the sons of Israel; this is the anointing of Aaron and the anointing of his sons from the fire-offerings of Jehovah, on the day in which I made them draw near to minister in the priest's office to Jehovah (Lev. 7:34, 35). It is called "the anointing" because "anointing" denotes inauguration to represent the Lord as to Divine good (see n. 9954, 10019). Elsewhere also in the same:

Jehovah spoke unto Aaron, Behold, I have given thee the charge of Mine upliftings, in respect to all the holy things of the sons of Israel, unto thee I have given them for an anointing, and to thy sons. To thee have I given the uplifting in respect to all the waving of the sons of Israel, all the fat of the pure oil, and all the fat of the new wine and of the grain of the firstfruits; and in respect to all the firstfruits which they shall give to Jehovah, they shall be thine; in respect to everything devoted, everything that openeth the womb of all flesh which they shall bring to Jehovah of the firstlings of an ox, of a sheep, and of a goat, the flesh shall be thine, as the breast of waving and as the right hind quarter; every uplifting of the holy things. Thou shalt not have part nor inheritance in the land, because Jehovah is thy part and inheritance; and also every uplifting from the tithes and from the gifts, which have been given to the Levites (Num. 18:8, 11-20, 28, 29). From all this it is evident what the "upliftings" were, namely, that all things were so called which belong to Jehovah, that is, to the Lord. [3] And as the Levites represented Divine truths in heaven and the church that are of service to Divine good, they were also given to Aaron in the place of all the firstborn, which were Jehovah's, that is, the Lord's, concerning which it is thus written in Moses:

I have taken the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, in the place of every firstborn that openeth the womb from the sons of Israel, that the Levites may be Mine, for every firstborn is Mine; and because the Levites were given to Me, I have given them as gifts to Aaron and his sons (Num. 3:12, 13; 8:16-19);

the upliftings are called "gifts given to Jehovah," that is, to the Lord, from among the sons of Israel; but it is meant that they do not belong to Jehovah from any gift, but from possession, because everything holy or Divine with man is not man's, but is the Lord's with him. That everything good and true, thus every holy Divine thing, is from the Lord God, and nothing from man, has been known in the church, whence it is plain that it is from appearance that it is called a gift from man. And therefore also in what presently follows it is said, "for this is an uplifting, and it shall be an uplifting from among the sons of Israel, this is an uplifting of Jehovah;" by which is signified that the uplifting from the sons of Israel is Jehovah's uplifting, thus that a gift from them is a gift from the Lord. From this it is evident what an "uplifting" is. * Or heave-offering.

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