Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 2368

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2368. Verse 9. And they said, Come on. And they said is one come to sojourn, and shall he judge indeed? Now will we do worse to thee than to them. And they pressed upon the man, upon Lot, exceedingly; and drew near to break open the door. "And they said," signifies a reply from anger; "Come on," signifies the threats of their anger. And they said, "Is one come to sojourn," signifies those who are of another doctrine and another life; "and shall he judge indeed?" signifies shall they teach us? "Now will we do worse to thee than to them," signifies that they would reject the good of charity more than the Lord's Divine Human and Holy proceeding; "and they pressed upon the man," signifies that they desired to offer violence to truth; "upon Lot exceedingly," signifies most especially to the good of charity; "and drew near to break open the door," signifies that they came even to the endeavor to destroy both.

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