Verses 1, 2. And Rachel saw that she did not bear to Jacob, and Rachel was zealous against her sister; and she said unto Jacob, Give me sons; and if not, I am dead. And Jacob was kindled with anger against Rachel, and he said, Am I in God's stead, who withholdeth from thee the fruit of the belly? "And Rachel saw that she did not bear to Jacob," signifies that interior truth was not yet acknowledged; "and Rachel was zealous against her sister," signifies indignation that it was not acknowledged as was external truth; "and she said unto Jacob, Give me sons," signifies that there was a desire to have interior truths from the good of natural truth; "and if not, I am dead," signifies that thus there would be no rising again; "and Jacob was kindled with anger against Rachel," signifies indignation on the part of natural good; "and he said, Am I in God's stead," signifies that it was impossible for it; "who withholdeth from thee the fruit of the belly," signifies that this must be from the internal.