4749. Going to carry them down to Egypt. That this signifies instruction in memory-knowledges is evident from the signification of "Egypt" as being memory-knowledges (n. 1164, 1165, 1462); and as by "spices, balsam, and stacte" are signified interior truths from the memory-knowledges of those who are in simple good, such as the Gentiles are in, therefore by "going to carry them down thither," is signified to be instructed. In regard to these things the case is this: the memory-knowledges which are signified by "Egypt" are those which conduce to spiritual life, and which correspond to spiritual truths; for formerly the Ancient Church was in Egypt also; but after it had been there turned into magic, the memory-knowledges which pervert spiritual things were signified by "Egypt." Thence it is that memory-knowledges in a good, and also in the opposite, sense, are signified in the Word by "Egypt" (n. 1164, 1165, 1462); and here in a good sense. The memory-knowledges from which are the interior truths signified by the Ishmaelites' carrying on camels spices, balsam, and stacte, are not such as are of the church, but such as are with the Gentiles. The truths from these memory-knowledges cannot be corrected and made sound by any other means than by the memory-knowledges of the genuine church, thus by instruction in these. This is what is here signified.