Arcana Coelestia (Potts) n. 7708

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7708. Verses 21-23. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Stretch out thy hand toward heaven, and there shall be thick darkness upon the land of Egypt, and one shall grope in the thick darkness. And Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven; and there was dense thick darkness in the whole land of Egypt three days. They saw not a man his brother, and there rose not up anyone from what was under him for three days; and all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings. "And Jehovah said unto Moses," signifies instruction; "Stretch out thy hand toward heaven," signifies the rule of the power of truth Divine in heaven; "and there shall be thick darkness upon the land of Egypt," signifies a complete privation of truth and good; "and one shall grope in the thick darkness," signifies the density of the falsity from evil; "and Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven," signifies the rule of truth Divine in heaven; "and there was dense thick darkness in all the land of Egypt," signifies the complete privation of truth and good; "for three days," signifies a full state; "they saw not a man his brother," signifies that they did not perceive the truth of any good; "and there rose not up anyone from what was under him," signifies that there was no elevation of mind; "for three days," signifies a full state; "and all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings," signifies that those who were of the spiritual church had enlightenment everywhere in their minds.

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