7743. That the inhabitants of Mars are in celestial love, has been already told. They are represented by an appearance of flame, glittering beautifully with variegations of color, and also by a bird of similar coloring. That some at this day are beginning to withdraw from this celestial love, and solely to love knowledges, and to make celestial life consist in these alone, was represented by that bird changed into stone; for by a bird is signified spiritual life; and by its being turned into stone is signified the life of knowledges without love, which is no longer spiritual life, but a life cold as stone, into which nothing from heaven flows. And their still believing that they are in the Lord, like those who are in the life of celestial love there, was signified and shown by the spirit who rose up and wished to take away the bird.
7743a. By the bird of stone were also represented inhabitants of that earth who change the life of their thoughts and affections by a strange method into almost no life; as to which I have seen and heard what now follows.