9567. Their pomegranates and their reeds shall be out of it; all of it. That this signifies that the memory-knowledges of good and the powers shall be from the Divine spiritual which is from the Lord, is evident from the signification of "pomegranates," as being memory-knowledges of good (see n. 9552); from the signification of the "reeds," as being truths from good and the consequent powers (as above, n. 9555, 9558); and from the signification of "the lampstand," out of which they were to be, as being the Divine spiritual which is in heaven and in the church from the Lord (n. 9548). From this it is evident that by "the pomegranates and the reeds that were to be out of the lampstand," is signified that the memory-knowledges of good and the powers shall be from the Divine spiritual which is from the Lord. How the case is with these things may be seen in what now follows.