Athanasian Creed (Harley) n. 177

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177. Such as was the Divine Proceeding before the coming of the Lord, is described by circles and by degrees, through the heavens and through the interiors of man. The degrees are successive, concerning which, see the work on HEAVEN AND HELL. Wherefore, while within one degree there are correspondences and as it were transfers, yet when, in the ultimate degree, there is no longer a reception of the Divine, as was the case in the Jewish Church, then the Divine Proceeding could not be extended thither. Wherefore He Himself took on the Human from which the Divine Proceeding would go forth and which can also be in ultimates and thus can preserve the heavens and save the human race. Thence is the omnipresence of His Human in the Holy Supper. Concerning His omnipresence, He spoke in Matthew [18:20, 28:20.]

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