220. Concerning Eating and Drinking. Eating signifies being appropriated and conjoined through love and charity, nos. 2187, 2343, 3168, 3513, 5643. Hence it signifies being consociated, no. 8001. Eating is predicated of the appropriation and conjunction of good, and drinking of the appropriation and conjunction of truth, nos. 3168, 3513, 3832, 9412. What is signified by eating and drinking in the Lord's kingdom, no. 3832. Hence it is, that by being hungry and desiring to eat, in the Word, is signified desiring good and truth from affection, nos. 4958, 10227. What has here been mentioned the angels do not understand otherwise than according to the internal or spiritual sense, because they are in the spiritual world, no. 10521. Hence it is that holiness flows in from heaven with the members of the Church, when they partake of the sacrament of the Supper in a holy manner, no. 6789: and hence there is conjunction with the Lord, nos. 3464, 3735, 5915, 10519, 10521, 10522.