Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 10495

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10495. 'So that He may bestow a blessing on you today' means the reception of Divine Truth from the Word, and being joined thereby to the Lord. This is clear from the general meaning of 'a blessing' as that which the Lord imparts to a person; and since all that the Lord imparts has connection with the good of love and the truth of faith, these and all that springs from them are what is meant by 'a blessing'. So here the reception of Divine Truth from the Word is meant, and being joined thereby to the Lord, see 1096, 2846, 3017, 3406, 4216, 4981, 6298, 8674, 8939. As regards the meaning of 'a blessing' as being joined to the Lord, see 3504, 3514, 3530, 3565, 3584, 6091, 6099. The implications of all this have been shown in what has gone before; and regarding the Word, that it is the means by which the Lord is joined to mankind, and heaven is joined to the world, see 10452.

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