1547. 'And Lot with him' means the power of sensory perception. A brief description of this meaning has been given already in 1428. Because a specific reference is made here to Lot, one needs to know exactly what he represents in the Lord. 'Pharaoh' represented facts, which at length 'sent away' the Lord, whereas 'Lot' represented things of the senses, by which are meant the external man and the pleasures he derives from sensory things, thus the most external things which usually captivate the mind in childhood and lead it away from the things that are good. For to the extent a person indulges in pleasures arising from evil desires he is drawn away from the celestial things that belong to love and charity. Indeed, present within those pleasures there is love originating in self and in the world, and with those loves celestial love cannot accord. Besides these however there are pleasures which, despite having similar external appearance, do accord completely with celestial things. For these see what has been stated already in 945, 994, 995, 997. Pleasures however that have their origins in evil desires must be brought under control and wiped out because they block the approach to celestial things. It is these pleasures, not those that accord with celestial things, that are meant in this chapter by Lot's separation from Abram, the presence of those pleasures being meant here by 'tot with him'. In general however Lot means the external man, as will be evident from what follows.