1967. Declared repeatedly are visions seen by certain people who have said that they have seen many things, which they have indeed seen, yet only in delusion. I have been informed about them and also shown how they originate. There are spirits who by means of delusions can cause shapes like those that constitute visions to appear to be real objects. For example, when something is seen in shadow, or in moonlight, or even in daylight provided that the object is where it is unlit, those spirits rivet the mind of the beholder constantly to the idea of some specific thing- whether a living creature, a monster, a forest, or some other thing. All the time the mind is riveted to that idea the delusion is increased, and grows to such an extent that that person is quite convinced and sees the shapes as being absolutely real objects, when in fact they are nothing other than illusions. Such things happen to those who are much inclined to delusions, who are not strong-minded, and who are therefore prone to believe anything. These are visionaries.