2137. The Lord's state of perception within the Human at that time is meant by the oak-groves of Mamre, verse 1. In this state He perceived the Divine, which was manifesting itself to His Human, verse 2 - at which He rejoiced, verse 3; also, in this state, He desired that the Divine should draw nearer to His Human by taking on something natural, verse 4, and that the Human should draw nearer to the Divine by taking on the celestial, verse 5 - the celestial, and the spiritual deriving from this, which He took upon Himself being meant by the three measures of the meal of fine flour from which the cakes were made, verse 6; and then, in this state, He put on a conformable natural, which is meant by the young bull, verse 7; as a result conformability existed and a communication of the Divine with the Human, and of the Human with the Divine, verse 8.