Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 2445

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2445. That 'raining on' means to be condemned is clear from the meaning of 'rain'. In the Word in the genuine sense 'rain' means a blessing and also consequent salvation, but in the contrary sense it means a curse and also consequent condemnation. Its meaning blessing and consequent salvation is clear from many places, but that it means in the contrary sense a curse and consequent condemnation is evident from the following: In Isaiah,

The tabernacle will be for a shade by day from the heat, and for a refuge and shelter from deluge and from rain. Isa 4: 6.

In Ezekiel,

Say to those who daub it with what is not suitable that it will fall. There will be deluging rain from which you, O hailstones, will fall. There will be deluging rain in My anger, and hailstones in wrath to consume it. Ezek 13: 11, 13.

In David,

He made their rain into hail, a flaming fire in their land; and He smote their vines and their fig trees. Ps 105: 32, 33.

This refers to Egypt, concerning which the following is said in Moses,

Jehovah sent thunder and hail, and fire ran down over the earth, and Jehovah rained hail over the land of Egypt. Exod 9: 23, 24.

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