I was once listening to a certain gyre which sounded tuneful yet harsher than gyres normally do. From their sound I recognized straightaway that they came from the gentiles.a Angels told me that they
were gentiles who had been raised from the dead three or four days previously. I listened to this gyre or choir for many hours and perceived that throughout the short period I was listening to them they
were being perfected more and more. Wondering at this I was told that these people can be inaugurated into choirs, and so into harmonious groups, within a single night, whereas with the majority of
Christians the same is scarcely possible within thirty years. Gyres or choirs exist when many speak simultaneously, all as one, and each as all. But gyres or choirs will in the Lord's Divine mercy be
described elsewhere.
a In Spiritual Diary [now called Spiritual Experiences] 3494 Sw. speaks of these gentiles as being Mohammedans.