2675. 'And gave them to Hagar' means implantation within the life of the exterior man. This is clear from the meaning of 'Hagar' as the life of the exterior man, dealt with in 1896, 1909, the life of the exterior man being the affection for knowledge, meant specifically by 'Hagar the Egyptian'. With those who are becoming spiritual, good and truth are implanted by the Lord within the affection for knowledge, in order that they may desire to know and to learn what good and truth are, to the end and purpose that they may become rational and also spiritual. For the affection for knowledge is 'the mother' through whom the rational that has the spiritual within it is born, 1895, 1896, 1902, 1910. An entering in of the Lord like this does indeed take place with all, but none receive it for that end and purpose except those who are able to be reformed. The rest receive it for other ends and purposes, which are countless, having only themselves and the world in view.