3753. Anyone who thinks with reverence about the Lord and who believes that the Divine was within Him and that He spoke from the Divine may know and believe that, as with everything else the Lord taught and said, those utterances do not refer to one particular nation but to the entire human race. Anyone may also know and believe that they do not refer to the worldly but to the spiritual condition of the human race, as well as that the Lord's words embraced the things that constitute His kingdom and those that constitute the Church, for those things are Divine and are eternal. One who believes these things concludes that the words 'Woe to those who are with child or giving suck in those days' do not mean those who are with child or giving suck, and that the words 'Pray that your flight may not take place in winter or on a sabbath' do not mean any flight on account of a worldly foe, and so on.