427. Verse 23 And Lamech told his wives Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, O wives of Lamech, and with your ears perceive my speech that I have killed a man (vir) to my wounding, and a little one to my bruising. 'Lamech', as previously, means vastation. 'He told his wives Adah and Zillah to perceive with their ears his speech' means confession such as is not otherwise made except where a Church exists, which, as has been stated, is meant by his wives.' He killed a man to his own wounding means that he annihilated faith, a man' meaning faith, as previously. 'A little one to his bruising' means that he annihilated charity. 'Wound' and 'bruise' mean a condition that was no longer sound, 'wound' meaning that faith had been desolated, and 'bruise' that charity had been laid waste.