4706. 'Of their father' means of the Ancient Church and of the Primitive Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'father' here, who in this case is Jacob, as the Ancient Church, dealt with above in 4680 (end). Regarding the Primitive Christian Church being meant too, see 4690 (end), the term Primitive Church being used to mean the Christian Church when it first began. In general the Word describes four separate Churches. There is the Church existing before the Flood, named Man; this is called the Most Ancient Church. Then there is the Church existing after the Flood; this is referred to as the Ancient Church. Also there is the Church existing among the descendants of Jacob which was not a Church but a representative of the Church, which is also called a semblance of religion. And there is the Church which was established after the Lord's Coming and is called the Christian Church; this Church when it first began is referred to as the Primitive Church.