5619. 'And cause a gift to go down to the man' means to obtain favour. This is clear from the meaning of 'taking a gift to the man' - 'the man' being Joseph, who is called the lord of the land - as to obtain favour. It was customary in the representative Ancient Church, and so in the Jewish Church, when people went to the judges, and at a later time to the kings or priests, to present them with a gift; indeed the people were commanded to do this. The reason for the custom was that the gifts people presented to those men represented the kinds of things mankind possessed that ought to be offered to the Lord when any approach is made to Him. Such gifts are ones that a person offers in freedom and therefore ones that come truly from himself. For his freedom resides in what comes from his heart; and what comes from his heart comes from his will. Also what comes from his will comes from a desire arising out of his love; and a desire arising out of his love constitutes his freedom, thus what is truly his own, 1947, 2870-2893, 3158. Such should be the origin of any gift made by man to the Lord when making any approach to Him. This kind of gift was represented by the gifts mentioned above, for 'kings' represented the Lord as regards Divine Truth, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4581, 4966, 5044, while 'priests' represented Him as regards Divine Good, 1728, 201-5(end), 3670. Those gifts also served as introductions, see 4262, which were made to obtain favour.