5720. There have been times when hypocrites were present with me. That is to say, spirits have been present who spoke with reverence about Divine matters, and with affection and love about society and their neighbour, declaring a belief in what was right and fair. Yet in their heart they rejected all this and scorned it. When they were allowed to flow into those parts of my body to which they corresponded in a contrary sense, they introduced pain into my teeth; and when they were very close they introduced pain so severe that I could not bear it. But in the measure that they were moved away the pain left off. This has been demonstrated to me repeatedly, to remove all shadow of doubt. Those spirits included someone whom I had known during his lifetime, and therefore I spoke to him. Again, as was his presence, so was the pain I felt in my teeth and gums. When he was being raised up towards the left the pain moved into my left jawbone and the bone forming my left temple, and from these into my cheekbones.