Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 7360

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7360. From all this I was allowed to know that the speech of the inhabitants of Mars was different from that of the inhabitants of our planet. That is to say, it was not audible but virtually soundless, introducing itself into inward hearing and sight by a shorter route, and being of such a nature was fuller and more perfect - fuller of ideas comprising thought - and so was by nature closer to the speech of spirits and angels. The actual affections which their speech contains are represented in their faces, while the thought contained in it is represented in their eyes. For with those people thought and speech act in unison with each other, as do affection and facial expressions. They consider it wicked to think one thing but say another, and to desire one thing but express another on their faces. They do not know what hypocrisy is, or what fraudulent pretence and deception are.

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