Arcana Coelestia (Elliott) n. 7738

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7738. 'For on the day you see my face you will die' means that if it did enter their mind it would be extirpated. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing the face' as entering the mind, as immediately above in 7737; and from the meaning of 'dying' as being extirpated. The reason why Pharaoh now says that Moses should go from his presence and that if he saw his face he would die is that it now describes the state of the molesters when they are steeped in utter falsity arising from evil, the falsity meant by 'thick darkness'. The more that those in hell become steeped in falsities arising from evil, the more they loathe truth, and at length loathe it so much that they refuse even to listen to anything true. For truth is contrary to falsity, and falsity is what pleases them because the evil from which that falsity springs is the delight of their life. This being so, they banish truth altogether from their mind, because it is contrary to the pleasure and delight of their life. Or if they do listen to that truth they suffer torment, 7519, so it is that because their state is that of falsity arising from evil, the state meant by 'thick darkness', they remove themselves from God's truth, represented by 'Moses'. That was why Pharaoh now told Moses to go from his presence and not see his face, and that if he did see it he would die. It was also why Moses replied, 'Rightly have you spoken; I will not see your face ever again'.

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