7744. There was once above my head a certain spirit who talked to me. From the sound of his voice I detected that he was in a trance-like state. Talking in this state he asked me many things; and what he asked was so sensible that a person fully awake could not have spoken more sensibly. I was allowed to perceive that he was a subordinate through whom angels spoke, and that while in that state he apprehended what they said and reproduced it; for he uttered nothing except what was true. If anything flowed from some other source he did indeed take it in, but he did not reproduce it. I asked him about his state. He said that that state was for him a peaceful one, devoid of all anxiety about things to come, while at the same time he performed useful services, which put him in contact with heaven. I was told that people like him in the Grand Man correlate with the vertical cleft which is situated in the brain between its two hemispheres and is in a state of tranquillity no matter how much turmoil there may be in the brain on either side.