7889. 'That soul shall be cut off from Israel' means that he will be separated from those belonging to the spiritual Church, and that he will be damned. This is clear from the meaning of 'being cut off' as being separated and also as being damned; and from the representation of 'the children of Israel' as those belonging to the spiritual Church, dealt with often. The reason why anyone who has falsity in his good will be separated and will be damned is that falsity - meant by 'anything made with yeast' - within good renders that good such that it cannot help receiving evil from the hells that inflict damnation. For when [those belonging to the spiritual Church] are to be delivered from the ones who have molested them, damnation will enter in from every side; and those who are governed by genuine good, which is good devoid of falsity, will pass unharmed through the midst of the damnation, see above in 7878.