8228. 'And Jehovah overturned the Egyptians into the middle of the sea' means that in so doing they cast themselves into the hell where the falsities arising from evil existed. This is clear from the meaning of 'overturning them into the sea' as casting them into falsities arising from evil; for these falsities are meant by the waters of that sea, 6346, 7307, 8137, 8138. For more about the bad things which in the literal sense of the Word are attributed to Jehovah or the Lord - that the origin of them lies with the people themselves who are ruled by evil, and not at all with the Lord, and that this is how one should understand the Word in its internal sense - see 2447, 6071, 6991, 6997, 7533, 7632, 7643, 7679, 7710, 7877, 7926, 8227.