The four articles mentioned above, as at present taught in the Reformed Churches, were not new, nor were they first hatched by those three leaders, but were handed down from the time of the Council of Nicaea, and by writers after that period, and preserved from that time in the Roman Catholic Church, as is clear from books on Ecclesiastical History. Why the Roman Catholics and the Reformed agree regarding the article on the Trinity of Persons in the Godhead is because they both acknowledge the three creeds, the Apostles', the Nicene and the Athanasian, in which a Trinity is taught. That they agree on the article concerning the Imputation of Christ's merit, is plain from the extracts from the Council of Trent, nos. 3-8, compared with those from the Formula Concordiae, nos. 10-15. That they also agree on the article concerning Justification shall now be shown.