Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 100

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100. [100.] I had with me a number of spirits from Greece who in the world lived with Muslims, complaining that the Muslims used to then and continue now to accuse them of worshiping three gods. We reply that we worship one God and that the three are one, they said; but still they insist that we worship three since we name three, and they ask which god of the three we worship primarily. Then when we answer that we worship all three at the same time, they say that in that case one is God, and the other two minor deities, and that we are only calling them one. When they hear us say, however, that the three are equal, they give up and hold Christians in disdain as having little or almost no judgment in spiritual matters. They complained that the Muslims do not cease their harassment of them until they say that the three names are names of one God. Then they desist. The Muslims later asked about the one God's having three names. They were told from heaven that Christians took those names from the literal sense of the Word where three names for the one God are used; and that by the Father there is meant the Creator of the universe, by the Son the Savior of the human race, and by the Holy Spirit its Enlightener. Moreover, these three aspects exist in the Lord alone, they were told, and in Him the three are one-something He Himself teaches in the Word, but which is not known because of the Papist crew, who do not want the Lord's humanity to be Divine, because they have claimed all His power for themselves (not wishing it to be called Divine power), and this that they might be gods on earth. Furthermore, when the Muslims had it read to them from Matthew and Luke that the Lord was conceived of God the Father, so that the Divine was in Him, as that from which He was, they said they had supposed Him to have been the son of Joseph. And when they were told that He did not come into the world to reconcile the human race to the Father, but to conquer the devil, that is, to subdue the hells, in order to reduce all things into order in the heavens also, and at the same time to glorify His humanity or unite it with the Divine which was the very soul in Him from conception, and that in this and no other way could the human race have been saved, having listened to these things they fell silent, and many of them allowed themselves to be persuaded.

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