Last Judgment (Post) (Rogers) n. 42

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42. [41.] When Zinzendorf first came into the spiritual world, he began, as he had in the world, to travel around to different societies and preach, but I was told that nowhere was he accepted. He was taken to his Moravian followers,* and he perceived that they are not in heaven but in a state of misery, because they had rejected all useful endeavors of life, which are good works. When they try to accept truths, falsities stand in the way, which cannot be dispelled because they love them exceedingly. They know how to skillfully and adeptly falsify the Word and twist it from its real meaning, which, coming together, they do as a group. Several attempts were discovered against their comrades who sought to refute their mysteries, or even to reveal them, and Zinzendorf said that for that reason he removed himself from them. They say that the Lord is to be loved because of His suffering of the cross, but that He is not to be worshiped. They call the Holy Supper a commemoration of the suffering. * Members of the Moravian Church or Moravian Brethren, a Protestant denomination descended from Bohemian Brethren. Called also Herrnhuter from their organization or "renewal" under Count Zinzendorf at Herrnhut, Germany, Moravians hold that the Scriptures are the only rule of faith and practice, and in general have stood for a simple and unworldly form of Christianity, dwelling for the most part in rural settlements.

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