1083. CONCERNING THOSE WHO PROFESS TO BE THE CHRIST There are some who profess to be the Christ, of whom mention is made in the Gospels and in the Apocalypse. In the other life these are manifestly distinguished by a flame with which their cheeks are enkindled, so that at a distance only the fiery or flaming mouth and cheeks appear. Such a one appeared to me, and it was said that these spirits have such an appearance. I did not see his face, except as something dusky, verging towards blackness; it was slight. A cap* of black [cloth] was wound about the head like the white head-dress of the Turks. By this cap* and by the flame around their mouth these spirits are recognized as such in the other life, wherefore spirits flee away from them. They cannot be associated with anyone, except with such as themselves or the wicked. * The word for "cap" in each place is the Latin pileus, and this is followed in parenthesis by the Swedish word mossa, meaning the same thing.