Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1373

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1373. A spirit of this kind was rolled up in such a woolen veil. This took place near me. When he would unroll himself he slipped obliquely down in a long succession, and deeply to the left, towards the lower earth, above the place where, on the other side, are the wood-cutters. He was let down into the depth, and seemed meanwhile to raise himself up by a contrary volution, and to be let down again towards the depth. But it was in vain.

1373 1/2. Indeed, his hands appeared detached from the body. First the left hand which stretched upwards, and he complained that he was losing it. After some time the right hand also was seen to be detached in like manner. It was told me that if his hands do not come back again and return to the body, it is futile, for he would still trust in his own power and in his own strength.

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