1422. When I inquired from what earth they were - because I observed that they were not from our earth - they did not want to say. Nor would they say that they had been clothed with a body, for they were unwilling to think that they had been on some earth and been clothed with a body, since it is contrary to their principles ever to think, still less to speak of, corporeal and earthly things. When I represented to them meadows, cornfields, woods, and streams of water, they thereupon immediately turned them into almost the contrary, so that they darkened the meadows and filled them, as it were, with serpents, and also blackened the waters, as if they were unwilling that I should look at the clear water. And when I wondered why this was so, why their waters should be so black, I heard that the reason was that according to their institutes or laws, they were not allowed to think about such things, but only about things that are real, to the end that they might receive cognitions of the things which take place in heaven, not of those which are on the earth.