1894. CONCERNING ANGELIC MODES OF SPEECH. It was given me today to examine very closely how the case is with angelic modes of speech, which are exceedingly difficult of comprehension to man in the body, so much so indeed that I should scarcely suppose them capable of being generally grasped by the human intellect, as they are virtually inexpressible. There are many knowledges with which the human mind ought to be imbued before it can perceive them even by a general idea. In order to convey somewhat of them I would observe, that in one simple idea of the human mind there are things indefinitely various which are apprehended by man as a kind of most general one or unit, the interiors of this idea being perceived by the interior angels, and the still more interior and inmost things by the more interior and inmost angels. Thus while the general of the idea appears to the interior angels, forming a scarcely appreciable element of their thought, this unfolds itself into indefinite particulars comprehensible by the still more interior angels, and so also by the inmost.