Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2547

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2547. THAT SOULS IN THE OTHER LIFE AT FIRST ARE AS IT WERE WANDERERS, AS TO [THEIR] PLACE [SITUATION] [situm]. ((((Those are called souls who have not yet attained a place in that Grand Man [Maximo Corpore]. They are sometimes wanderers: for some time they are below to the right, for some time below to the left; sometimes above the head, in various regions higher up; sometimes also near the head. Thus they are those who have not obtained a situation in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore], because they are in a state of change; for there are corporeals which adhere, which are excited; hence they are carried higher up and to different regions; wherefore I called them those who wander still, but afterwards they obtain a situation, where they remain, till at length [comes] a change requiring a longer time, according to the state of their reformation. - 1748, July 6.))))

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