2592. THAT THE LORD PRESERVES MAN FROM EVERY EVIL. This is evident to me from such manifold experience that if I might bring together only my experiences in general, a volume might be compiled; for almost daily now, for some years, I have been surrounded by evil spirits, as well around me as next to the head, [and] to the back; and not only have they labored hard with every exertion, open insults, sorceries, deceits, [but also] have attempted with clandestine arts to bring harm upon me, as well also by dire maledictions, of which [I have treated] previously. But each and all [of these] were fruitless, so that at length I could utterly deride their endeavors and open insults. Thus the Lord preserves the human race, each of whom is surrounded with evil spirits, and especially at this day when evil has increased to such a degree, and hence evil spirits have been increased, yea have existed of the worst sort; and man does not wish to know this, but supposes that it is he who preserves himself when nothing is farther from the truth: for if the Lord should take away His hand only one littlest moment of all, man would perish. - 1748, July 13.