Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2607

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2607. THAT MEN AND SPIRITS ARE NOT THOSE WHO SPEAK, BUT SUPPOSE IT IS THEY WHO SPEAK, AND THAT THE LIFE OF ALL IS TO IMAGINE THEY THEMSELVES LIVE, THINK, SPEAK, AND ACT. I have very often been in discourse with spirits concerning these things, for spirits cannot perceive this any more than men, and it is often shown them to the living experience that it is so. Yea, I have also perceived several times that they were led to speak by others, and meanwhile they supposed it was they [who spoke], so that spirits like man know nothing else than that they are not led by others when yet they cannot even think, still less speak, the least thing unless it be from others. From daily experience in me this has been strongly confirmed. But then the reflection is given them that they are led by others, then they immediately suppose they are deprived of their liberty and do not speak from themselves. See elsewhere how the matter is. - 1748, July 15.

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