2626. CONCERNING BROKEN BREAD. There was put before me in [per] a vision a small plate full of bread [panem], cut up into squares [quadratas tesseras], which I imagined to have signified that which [is meant] by the communication of bread, to wit, celestial things, and I rejoiced: it was placed to my mouth that I might eat, but was there held a little while, but was not eaten. So long as I was in that opinion that that bread signified celestial things, I was told that broken bread, not cut, signifies celestial things, for bread is broken with the lips and teeth, as at first with the hand, before it is eaten, which because [it is] according to nature, therefore celestial things are signified by bread broken with the hand, lips, so with the teeth, and so on into the minutest [particles] by the muscles, fibers, and minutest hands, as it were, lips and little mouths of the recipient vessels.