Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2649

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2649. These things have now occurred in the same region where is the heel [calcaneus] of the left foot, but because the heel is restored, which [was] hurt by the children of Jacob, through the advent of the Lord into the world, therefore the whole body is still perfect, and the heel [calcaneus], or region of the heel, consists of those who rejoice in similar imaginings [imaginationibus], by whom are represented the celestial things of the Lord, as [for instance] by the candlestick and its seven lamps. They who represent such things for themselves as are written in the Lord's Word, which are types of heaven or the Lord, occupy [tenent] that region, and are by degrees lifted up higher from the region of the heel through the left foot, and thus into sublimer and pleasanter regions. - 1748, July 18.

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