2660. WHAT IS REPRESENTED IN SPIRITUAL THINGS BY ORDURE. Ordure is spiritual, filthy and loathsome things. Inasmuch as fertility is produced in the earth by ordure, hence, is the representation, that [in them] who confess filthy sins, and acknowledge, that they are dung, there grows up the seed in such an earth. Likewise in the other life, when filthy pleasantnesses, like those of adultery and cruelty grow rotten, and become like fetid dung, so that they begin to abhor these things, then these [spirits] [ii] are as it were soil [humus] wherein a faculty of good may be inseminated. I have seen this in spiritual idea - and have spoken [concerning it] with spirits: for they have previously wished to know what [is meant by] the representation of ordure. - 1748, July 21.